Season 5

Episode 1: The Wars to Come


In a flashback, a witch tells a young Cersei that someone younger and more beautiful than herself will one day steal her accomplishments. After Tywin's burial, Cersei chastises Jaime for freeing Tyrion. Lancel Lannister returns, now a devoutly religious man and a member of the "Sparrows". In Pentos, a despondent Tyrion agrees to accompany Varys to Meereen to support Daenerys's claim on the Iron Throne. In Meereen, the insurgent "Sons of the Harpy" murder an Unsullied, and Hizdahr zo Loraq and Daario Nahaaris try to convince Daenerys to reopen the traditional fighting pits to appease the former Mereenese elites. Daenerys' locked-away dragons breathe fire at her when she comes to check on them. In the Vale, Littlefinger puts Robin in the care of House Royce and leaves with Sansa, their caravan passing Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne. At the Wall, Stannis seeks to enlist the Wildlings in his war against Roose Bolton. Jon Snow is unable to convince Mance Rayder to accept Stannis's authority. Stannis then has Mance burned alive for treason, though Jon shoots him with an arrow to kill him quickly.

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Episode 2: The House of Black and White


Arya arrives in Braavos and is accepted into the House of Black and White, also called the temple of the Many-faced God. Jaime tells Cersei he is going to Dorne to bring back Myrcella and recruits Bronn to assist him; Podrick Payne recognises Littlefinger and Sansa in a tavern; Brienne of Tarth tries to offer Sansa her protection because of her vow of allegiance to Catelyn Stark but is rebuffed. Stannis offers Jon Snow legitimacy and lordship of Winterfell if he leaves the Night's Watch to help him, but Jon declines; Samwell nominates Jon as a candidate for Lord Commander, and he is elected by the casting vote of Maester Aemon. Daenerys faces a riot after she decides to execute a former slave who murdered a captured member of the Sons of the Harpy before he could be tried. Drogon reappears when Daenerys is atop her citadel overlooking the city of Meereen.

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Episode 3: High Sparrow


Margaery, newly wed to Tommen, manipulates her husband into planning to send Cersei to Casterly Rock. Baelish conducts Sansa Stark to Winterfell to cement an alliance with Roose Bolton through her marriage to his son Ramsay; Sansa will consolidate the Bolton hold on the North, while Baelish hints that an alliance between the North and the Vale would be capable of bringing down the kingdom. Jon Snow refuses Stannis' offer to make him Lord of Winterfell, and Stannis plans to leave for King's Landing via Winterfell. To adapt in the House of Black and White, Arya throws all her personal effects into the river except for Needle, which she hides in a pile of rocks. At Castle Black, Jon names Ser Alliser First Ranger, but Janos Slynt refuses to follow Jon's orders that he leave to rebuild Greygard. Snow executes Slynt himself. Lancel finds the High Septon in a compromising situation in Littlefinger's brothel; in a purge, Cersei decides to speak to the High Sparrow. Tyrion and Varys arrive in Volantis and visit a brothel, where Tyrion is abducted by Jorah Mormont.

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Episode 4: Sons of the Harpy


The Sparrows arrest Loras Tyrell. Margaery is enraged, but Tommen proves too weak to arrange his release. Melisandre tries to seduce Jon Snow in an attempt to convince Snow to go to Winterfell with Stannis. In the crypts of Winterfell, Baelish reveals he has been summoned to return to King's Landing by Cersei. Before leaving, he tries to dispel Sansa's misgivings towards Ramsay Bolton, telling her that even if Stannis does not defeat the Boltons and rescue her, she can easily manipulate Ramsay. Bronn and Jaime land secretly in Dorne; they encounter and kill four horsemen, then use their clothes and gear as disguises. The Sand Snakes learn from a sea captain that Jaime has come to Dorne for Myrcella; Ellaria convinces the Sand Snakes to plan to avenge the death of Oberyn by abducting Myrcella before Jaime can intervene. Ser Jorah plans to redeem himself to Daenerys by giving Tyrion to her as a prisoner. In Meereen, Hizdahr zo Loraq makes another appeal to Daenerys to reopen the fighting pits; the Sons of the Harpy run amok and ambush an Unsullied patrol inside the citadel; Grey Worm is critically wounded and Ser Barristan is killed.

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Episode 5: Kill the Boy


Brienne and Podrick arrive at an inn near Winterfell and asks for help getting a message to Sansa, who, in Winterfell, is reunited with Reek, formerly Theon Greyjoy. At the Wall, Tormund accepts an alliance with the Night's Watch that will allow Wildlings to settle south of the Wall. Jon agrees to accompany Tormund to meet the Wildlings at Hardhome. Stannis' army leaves for Winterfell, taking Selyse and Shireen with them. In Meereen, Grey Worm recuperates. Daenerys feeds a Meereenese noble to Viserion and Rhaegal in retaliation for Ser Barristan's death and imprisons others. She later agrees to reopen the fighting pits and marry Hizdahr zo Loraq to facilitate peace. At sea, Tyrion and Jorah sail through Valyria and are attacked by a group of stone men. They manage to escape, but Jorah is infected with greyscale.

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Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken


Jaqen takes Arya to a chamber with the faces of all the people that have died in the House of Black and White. Jaime and Bronn reach the Water Gardens, where they find Myrcella and are attacked by the Sand Snakes. The fight is broken up by Dornish guards. Jorah and Tyrion run into slavers, whom Tyrion manages to convince to take them to the fighting pits of Meereen. Petyr informs Cersei of Roose's plan to marry Sansa to Ramsay, and convinces her to allow him to lead the knights of the Vale to Winterfell to destroy both the Boltons and Stannis, asking that he be named Warden of the North in return. Olenna arrives in King's Landing and warns Cersei that the imprisonment of Loras has put their alliance in peril. At Loras' hearing, Loras and Margaery both deny Loras' homosexuality. Olyvar contradicts their testimony, and Margaery is arrested for lying to the gods. In Winterfell, Sansa is married to Ramsay, who rapes her in front of Reek.

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Episode 7: The Gift


Jon leaves for Hardhome with Tormund and some rangers. Maester Aemon dies shortly after. Gilly is attacked by two brothers, but Sam comes to her rescue. Sansa asks Reek to help her escape Winterfell, but Reek instead informs Ramsay, who flays the woman who had offered to help Sansa. At Stannis' army's camp, Melisandre suggests sacrificing Shireen; Stannis is disgusted and refuses. Jorah and Tyrion are sold as slaves to Yezzan zo Qaggaz. The two are brought to a local fighting pit that Daenerys and her consort happen to be visiting in preparation for the coming games at Daznak's pit. Jorah defeats the other slaves and reveals his identity to Daenerys, and that he brought Tyrion as a gift for her. In Dorne, Myrcella asks Jaime why he came to rescue her when she wants to marry Trystane. Olenna's demand for Loras and Margaery's release is declined by the High Sparrow. Later, the High Sparrow reveals to Cersei his knowledge of her and Lancel's adulterous and incestuous relationship and has her imprisoned.

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Episode 8: Hardhome


Cersei refuses to confess her sins. Arya assumes the identity of Lana, an oyster merchant. Jaqen tells her to study a thin man who sells marine insurance, but has defrauded benefactors. She is to learn everything about the thin man, and then poison him. Olly questions Sam about Jon's alliance with the wildlings. Reek tells Sansa there is no escape from Ramsay, and reveals that he faked the deaths of her younger brothers. Ramsay suggests to his father that they move on Stannis and asks for twenty good men. In Meereen, Tyrion convinces Daenerys to spare Jorah's life and she exiles him again. Jorah goes back to Yezzan and asks permission to fight in the pits. Daenerys accepts Tyrion into her council. Arriving at Hardhome, Jon and Tormund convince about five thousand wildlings to join them, when Hardhome is attacked by an army of wights. Jon kills a White Walker with his Valyrian-steel sword. As Jon and the survivors sail away, they witness the Night's King reanimating the deceased wildlings as wights.

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Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons


During a snowstorm, Stannis' camp is sabotaged when Ramsay's force of twenty men completely destroy the entire camp's siege equipment and food stores, while inflicting heavy losses on the army's horses. Melisandre insists they must make a sacrifice of King's Blood to reach Winterfell. Stannis reluctantly offers his daughter, Princess Shireen, burning her alive at the stake, while she desperately cries out for her parents. Jon and the wildlings return to the Wall, where their welcome is fraught with tension. In Dorne, Prince Doran permits Jaime to return to King's Landing with Myrcella, provided Trystane accompany them and serve on the small council in Oberyn's stead. In Meereen, the fights at Daznak's pit begin, and Daenerys is stunned to see Jorah amongst the combatants. Although he is successful, his triumph is interrupted by a fierce attack by the Sons of the Harpy, who quickly surround Daenerys and her supporters. Just as all hope seems lost, Drogon arrives, and Daenerys mounts her dragon and flies away from Meereen, her followers and enemies watching alike in awe.

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Episode 10: Mother's Mercy


Sam, Gilly and her child leave for Oldtown for Sam to become a maester. Selyse hangs herself and half of Stannis' forces desert him; Stannis is defeated by the Boltons and consequently killed by Brienne, while Melisandre flees to Castle Black. Sansa escapes her room, but is caught by Myranda. Theon kills Myranda and he and Sansa escape from Winterfell. Cersei confesses to sleeping with Lancel and is forced to face atonement. Upon reaching the Red Keep, Qyburn introduces a new member of the Kingsguard. Jaime, Myrcella, Bronn and Trystane sail from Dorne. After Myrcella tells Jaime that she knows he is her father, she dies of poison from Ellaria. Arya infiltrates a brothel and kills Ser Meryn. Arya is blinded for violating the terms of the Faceless Men. Varys arrives in Meereen to rule the city with Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei, while Daario and Jorah search for Daenerys, who, far away, is found by a large group of Dothraki. At Castle Black a group of brothers, including Alliser and Olly, mutiny against Jon, stabbing him and then leaving him to die.

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