Season 3

Episode 1: Valar Dohaeris


Some Night's Watch men, Samwell Tarly and Lord Commander Mormont among them, survive the White Walkers' attack and pledge to return to the Wall to warn the Seven Kingdoms. Jon Snow is brought before Mance Rayder, the "King beyond the Wall", and pledges his loyalty to the Wildlings. A scarred Tyrion Lannister unsuccessfully solicits recognition by his father Tywin, the new Hand of the King. Margaery Tyrell engages in charity work with the orphans of King's Landing. Ser Davos Seaworth is rescued by Salladhor Saan after the Battle of the Blackwater and returned to Dragonstone. There, he unsuccessfully tries to kill Melisandre so as to break her hold on Stannis Baratheon, and is imprisoned. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen arrives in the city of Astapor to buy an army of brutally-trained slave soldiers, the "Unsullied". She is saved from an assassination attempt by the warlocks of Qarth by Ser Barristan Selmy, the former Kingsguard commander, who pledges his loyalty.

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Episode 2: Dark Wings, Dark Words


Brienne escorts Jaime across the Riverlands to King's Landing. Seizing one of her swords, he engages her in a fight, which is interrupted by Bolton armsmen. After he receives the news of the sack of Winterfell and the disappearance of Bran and Rickon, Robb diverts his attentions from the war against the Lannisters to attend Catelyn's father's funeral in Riverrun, angering Lord Karstark, who seeks vengeance for his sons who were killed by Jaime. Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie also make for Riverrun, but are waylaid by a rebel group, the "Brotherhood without Banners", and are taken to an inn, where the captured Hound reveals Arya's identity. Margaery Tyrell and her grandmother Olenna, the "Queen of Thorns", convince Sansa to tell them about Joffrey's flawed character. Theon Greyjoy is tortured by unknown captors. Bran, Rickon, Osha and Hodor encounter the siblings Jojen and Meera Reed, children of the Stark bannerman Howland Reed. Jojen, who has been sharing Bran's strange dreams, tells Bran that he is a warg, able to enter the minds of animals.

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Episode 3: Walk of Punishment


Robb and Catelyn attend her father Hoster Tully's funeral in Riverrun. Tywin Lannister sends Littlefinger to Lysa Arryn, Lady of the Vale and makes Tyrion the new Master of Coin. Arya and Gendry leave Hot Pie at the inn and follow the "Brotherhood without Banners". Learning of the massacre at the Fist of the First Men, Mance Rayder sends Jon Snow with a band of Wildlings to scale the Wall and attack the Watch while it is weakened. The surviving men of the Night's Watch arrive back at Craster's Keep, where Sam witnesses Gilly giving birth to a son. Theon Greyjoy is freed from torture and captivity by an unnamed benefactor. Melisandre leaves Dragonstone for parts unknown. Daenerys agrees to buy all 8,000 Unsullied and the translator Missandei for one of her dragons, against Ser Barristan's and Ser Jorah's advice. Jaime persuades his captor Locke not to let Brienne be raped, but Locke cuts off Jaime's sword hand.

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Episode 4: And Now His Watch Is Ended


Theon Greyjoy is betrayed by the cleaning boy, who returns him to the prison for torture. After a failed escape attempt, Jaime realizes that without his sword hand, he is lost, but Brienne, knowing what he did for her, urges him to not give up hope. Varys tells Tyrion how he became a eunuch, and that he now has in his power the magician who castrated him. Bran, with the aid of Jojen Reed, continues to chase the three-eyed raven. At Craster's keep, the surviving Night's Watch, starving, comes into conflict with their host. Craster and Lord Commander Mormont are slain in the struggle and Sam flees with Gilly and her son. Arya and Gendry are taken to the secret cave of the Brotherhood without Banners where they meet their leader, Beric Dondarrion, who later sentences the Hound to trial by combat with him. Daenerys meets with Kraznys to complete the trade of a dragon for the Unsullied army. She tests the Unsullied, then orders them to kill their former masters, reclaims her dragon and frees the Unsullied, who all decide freely to follow her as her new army.

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Episode 5: Kissed By Fire


With the help of Littlefinger, the Lannisters discover the Tyrells' plot to marry off Sansa Stark to Loras Tyrell. To prevent the union, Tywin Lannister plans to marry Sansa to Tyrion, and Cersei to Loras, despite Cersei and Tyrion's protests. Stannis confesses his infidelity to his wife, Selyse, who then tells him she has always known and approves of it. His daughter, Shireen, sneaks into the dungeon to visit Davos and teaches him to read. The Hound kills Lord Beric in trial by combat and is released. However, Beric is seemingly resurrected by the power of the Lord of Light. Gendry decides to stay with the Brotherhood, and Thoros and Beric plan to ransom Arya to her brother, Robb Stark. After being delivered to Roose Bolton, Jaime confesses to Brienne why he killed the Mad King. At Riverrun, despite many objections, Robb Stark executes Lord Karstark after Karstark murders two captive Lannister boys as payback for his sons. With the Karstarks abandoning him, Robb plans to make a desperate alliance with Walder Frey. Jon Snow struggles to earn the Wildlings' trust while holding back important information. Later, he and Ygritte have sex. While on the march, Daenerys Targaryen's Unsullied select Grey Worm as their leader.

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Episode 6: The Climb


In King's Landing, Tywin Lannister coerces Olena Tyrell into agreeing to marry Loras to Cersei. Sansa tries to get acquainted with an awkward Loras, while Tyrion and Cersei discuss the repercussions of their matches. Tyrion confesses to Shae and Sansa about the upcoming marriage. Baelish tells Varys that he has caught Ros as Varys' informant and has given her to Joffrey, who kills her. In Riverlands, Melisandre buys Gendry from the brotherhood, to Arya's disgust. Robb Stark tries to appease Walder Frey by agreeing to Frey's demands and marry his uncle Edmure to Frey's daughter Roslin. Roose Bolton plans to send Jaime to King's Landing, but refuses to give up Brienne. At an unknown location, the mysterious boy continues to torture Theon Greyjoy. In the North, tension arises in Bran's company on their trek north. Beyond the Wall, Sam continues his flight with Gilly and her infant son, while Jon and Ygritte discuss their relationship and climb the Wall.

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Episode 7: The Bear and the Maiden Fair


In the North, Jojen tells Bran they must go beyond the Wall to find the three-eyed raven, to Osha's horror. Jon and Ygritte's relationship deepens, much to Orell's displeasure. Theon is emasculated by his torturer. Talisa reveals to Robb that she is pregnant. Arya runs away from the Brotherhood, only to be captured by the Hound. Melisandre reveals to Gendry that his father was Robert Baratheon. Margaery comforts Sansa about her upcoming marriage, while Tyrion and Bronn discuss the match. Later, Shae tells Tyrion that she will not continue their relationship once he marries Sansa. Tywin counsels Joffrey and discusses Daenerys, with Tywin dismissing the danger she might pose. Daenerys reaches the city of Yunkai and receives an emissary. Roose Bolton departs Harrenhall for the Twins, a heavily fortified pair of castles that serve as the seat of House Frey, while Jaime says farewell to Brienne and departs for King's Landing. On the road, Qyburn reveals why he lost his Maester's chain and informs Jaime that Locke refused Brienne's father's ransom. Jaime returns to Harrenhall to find Brienne in a pit fighting a bear. He leaps in and saves Brienne and departs once more, this time with her.

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Episode 8: Second Sons


King's Landing hosts Tyrion and Sansa's wedding. Cersei intimidates Margaery in the Sept of Baelor, and Joffrey walks the bride down the aisle. At the wedding feast Tyrion gets drunk and causes a scene. In their bedroom, Tyrion tells Sansa they will not consummate their marriage until she wants to. The Hound reveals to Arya that they are heading for the Twins to ransom her to her brother. Stannis releases Davos. Melisandre and Gendry arrive at Dragonstone, where she seduces him and extracts blood from him with three leeches. In a magical ritual, Stannis casts them into the fire naming three usurpers: Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy and Joffrey Baratheon. Daenerys finds out Yunkai has employed a mercenary company called the "Second Sons". One of the lieutenants, Daario Naharis, kills the other leaders and pledges his and the company's loyalty to Daenerys. Sam and Gilly are attacked by a White Walker, whom Sam unexpectedly destroys with the help of the dragonglass dagger.

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Episode 9: The Rains of Castamere


Sam and Gilly arrive at the Wall. During a thunderstorm, Bran enters Hodor's mind to calm him down. Nearby, Jon refuses to kill an innocent man, so Tormund orders him killed. Bran uses his warg ability to save Jon, and Jon kills Orell then escapes, leaving a furious Ygritte behind. Osha, Rickon and his direwolf depart for the Last Hearth, while Bran and his remaining company plan to head beyond the Wall. Daenerys sends Jorah, Daario and Grey Worm to infiltrate Yunkai and open the city gate for her army. Yunkai soon falls to her forces. Robb arrives at the Twins and apologizes to Walder Frey, who feigns acceptance. Edmure marries Roslin Frey, but during the wedding feast, Walder Frey's men murder Catelyn, Talisa and most of the Stark bannermen, while Roose Bolton kills Robb. Arya also arrives at the Twins and witnesses a part of the massacre, but the Hound knocks her unconscious and carries her to safety.

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Episode 10: Mhysa


House Frey is awarded the Seat of Riverrun, and Roose Bolton is appointed Warden of the North. After witnessing Frey soldiers mock the death of Robb Stark, Arya marks her first kill, while the Hound eliminates the rest. Yara Greyjoy moves to rescue Theon, penectomized at Dreadfort by Ramsay Snow, who continues his torture. Tywin chastises Tyrion for failing to impregnate Sansa, and placing his own desires over the needs of family. Arriving in the capital with Brienne, Jaime is reunited with Cersei. In the North, Sam arrives back at Castle Black, where he and Maester Aemon send ravens to alert the Seven Kingdoms to the White Walkers. Full of arrows, Jon manages to escape from Ygritte and returns to Castle Black. At Dragonstone, Davos helps Gendry to escape, while Stannis decides to head north and aid the Watch against the White Walker threat. Across the Narrow Sea, the freed slaves of Yunkai receive Daenerys as their "mother".

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