Season 6 Episode 1: The Red Woman


Jon Snow's corpse is found by Ser Davos, Edd and a few other loyalists; they take him inside and lock themselves behind a door with him. Thorne assumes command of the Watch. At Winterfell, Ramsay mourns for Myranda, while Sansa and Theon escape through the woods. Ramsay's men catch up with them, and are about to take them captive, when Brienne and Pod arrive, kill the men, and the former is accepted into Sansa's service. In King's Landing, Cersei receives Jaime, who arrives with Myrcella's body. Jaime promises Cersei they will take their revenge. Obara and Nymeria murder Trystane, on his way home from King's Landing, while in Sunspear, Doran and Areo Hotah are killed by Ellaria and Tyene, after the former learns of Myrcella's death. In Meereen, Tyrion and Varys find all the ships burning in the harbor. Jorah and Daario continue to track Daenerys, who is taken by the Dothraki to Khal Moro. In Braavos, Arya lives on the streets as a beggar, where she is beaten by the Waif. In her chamber, Melisandre removes her bejeweled necklace as she reveals her true appearance as an old crone.

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