Season 5 Episode 10: Mother's Mercy


Sam, Gilly and her child leave for Oldtown for Sam to become a maester. Selyse hangs herself and half of Stannis' forces desert him; Stannis is defeated by the Boltons and consequently killed by Brienne, while Melisandre flees to Castle Black. Sansa escapes her room, but is caught by Myranda. Theon kills Myranda and he and Sansa escape from Winterfell. Cersei confesses to sleeping with Lancel and is forced to face atonement. Upon reaching the Red Keep, Qyburn introduces a new member of the Kingsguard. Jaime, Myrcella, Bronn and Trystane sail from Dorne. After Myrcella tells Jaime that she knows he is her father, she dies of poison from Ellaria. Arya infiltrates a brothel and kills Ser Meryn. Arya is blinded for violating the terms of the Faceless Men. Varys arrives in Meereen to rule the city with Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei, while Daario and Jorah search for Daenerys, who, far away, is found by a large group of Dothraki. At Castle Black a group of brothers, including Alliser and Olly, mutiny against Jon, stabbing him and then leaving him to die.

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