Season 5 Episode 1: The Wars to Come


In a flashback, a witch tells a young Cersei that someone younger and more beautiful than herself will one day steal her accomplishments. After Tywin's burial, Cersei chastises Jaime for freeing Tyrion. Lancel Lannister returns, now a devoutly religious man and a member of the "Sparrows". In Pentos, a despondent Tyrion agrees to accompany Varys to Meereen to support Daenerys's claim on the Iron Throne. In Meereen, the insurgent "Sons of the Harpy" murder an Unsullied, and Hizdahr zo Loraq and Daario Nahaaris try to convince Daenerys to reopen the traditional fighting pits to appease the former Mereenese elites. Daenerys' locked-away dragons breathe fire at her when she comes to check on them. In the Vale, Littlefinger puts Robin in the care of House Royce and leaves with Sansa, their caravan passing Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne. At the Wall, Stannis seeks to enlist the Wildlings in his war against Roose Bolton. Jon Snow is unable to convince Mance Rayder to accept Stannis's authority. Stannis then has Mance burned alive for treason, though Jon shoots him with an arrow to kill him quickly.

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