Season 4 Episode 10: The Children


Jon Snow treats with Mance Rayder, but their negotiations are interrupted when Stannis Baratheon and his army overrun the wildlings camp and take Mance as prisoner. Bran and his party come upon the large Heart Tree from his visions, but as they arrive they are attacked by wights; though Jojen is killed, Bran, Hodor and Meera are saved by a child of the forest who takes them to the three-eyed raven. In Meereen, Daenerys responds to a former slave's wish of being sold into slavery again by allowing him to contract his labor to his former master on a yearly basis. The next citizen brings her the charred remains of his daughter who was burned by Drogon. As a precaution, Daenerys chains her other dragons in the catacombs. In the Vale, Brienne and Podrick come across Arya and the Hound. Brienne defeats the Hound, while Arya escapes. Meanwhile in King's Landing, Cersei orders Qyburn to do anything to save the Mountain, she confronts her father, threatening to reveal her and Jaime's incestuous affairs if she is forced to marry Loras. Tyrion is released from his cell by Jaime, but he later finds Shae in Tywin's bed and kills her. He then confronts his father in the privy and shoots him with Joffrey's crossbow, before escaping the city with Varys. The season ends with Arya buying passage on a ship bound for Braavos with the coin Jaqen H'ghar gave her.

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