Season 3 Episode 2: Dark Wings, Dark Words


Brienne escorts Jaime across the Riverlands to King's Landing. Seizing one of her swords, he engages her in a fight, which is interrupted by Bolton armsmen. After he receives the news of the sack of Winterfell and the disappearance of Bran and Rickon, Robb diverts his attentions from the war against the Lannisters to attend Catelyn's father's funeral in Riverrun, angering Lord Karstark, who seeks vengeance for his sons who were killed by Jaime. Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie also make for Riverrun, but are waylaid by a rebel group, the "Brotherhood without Banners", and are taken to an inn, where the captured Hound reveals Arya's identity. Margaery Tyrell and her grandmother Olenna, the "Queen of Thorns", convince Sansa to tell them about Joffrey's flawed character. Theon Greyjoy is tortured by unknown captors. Bran, Rickon, Osha and Hodor encounter the siblings Jojen and Meera Reed, children of the Stark bannerman Howland Reed. Jojen, who has been sharing Bran's strange dreams, tells Bran that he is a warg, able to enter the minds of animals.

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