Season 3 Episode 1: Valar Dohaeris


Some Night's Watch men, Samwell Tarly and Lord Commander Mormont among them, survive the White Walkers' attack and pledge to return to the Wall to warn the Seven Kingdoms. Jon Snow is brought before Mance Rayder, the "King beyond the Wall", and pledges his loyalty to the Wildlings. A scarred Tyrion Lannister unsuccessfully solicits recognition by his father Tywin, the new Hand of the King. Margaery Tyrell engages in charity work with the orphans of King's Landing. Ser Davos Seaworth is rescued by Salladhor Saan after the Battle of the Blackwater and returned to Dragonstone. There, he unsuccessfully tries to kill Melisandre so as to break her hold on Stannis Baratheon, and is imprisoned. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen arrives in the city of Astapor to buy an army of brutally-trained slave soldiers, the "Unsullied". She is saved from an assassination attempt by the warlocks of Qarth by Ser Barristan Selmy, the former Kingsguard commander, who pledges his loyalty.

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