Season 3 Episode 4: And Now His Watch Is Ended


Theon Greyjoy is betrayed by the cleaning boy, who returns him to the prison for torture. After a failed escape attempt, Jaime realizes that without his sword hand, he is lost, but Brienne, knowing what he did for her, urges him to not give up hope. Varys tells Tyrion how he became a eunuch, and that he now has in his power the magician who castrated him. Bran, with the aid of Jojen Reed, continues to chase the three-eyed raven. At Craster's keep, the surviving Night's Watch, starving, comes into conflict with their host. Craster and Lord Commander Mormont are slain in the struggle and Sam flees with Gilly and her son. Arya and Gendry are taken to the secret cave of the Brotherhood without Banners where they meet their leader, Beric Dondarrion, who later sentences the Hound to trial by combat with him. Daenerys meets with Kraznys to complete the trade of a dragon for the Unsullied army. She tests the Unsullied, then orders them to kill their former masters, reclaims her dragon and frees the Unsullied, who all decide freely to follow her as her new army.

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