Season 1 Episode 7: You Win or You Die


Ned confronts Queen Cersei over the truth of Jon Arryn's death. Robert, mortally wounded by a wild pig during his hunting, says Ned will rule as regent of the Iron Throne until his oldest son, Joffrey comes of age. Jon Snow takes the vows of the Night's Watch. Khal Drogo summons his army to invade Westeros after an assassin tries to poison Daenerys. Ned asks Baelish to secure the cooperation of the City Watch in removing the Lannisters from the throne revealing that Joffrey is not Robert's son but Jaime's, making Robert's younger brother, Stannis, the true heir. Ned brings Robert's declaration before Cersei, Joffrey, and the Small Council. However, Baelish and the City Watch reveal themselves loyal to the Lannisters, capture Ned and kill his men.

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